Can Peanut Butter Be Your Favorite Meal?

stock photo of peanut butter with emily's face on it with hearts in her eyes

Noted young person Emily continues to bring the best content to the show everyday. She decided to hit us with another hard-hitting essential debate to ask the question, is peanut butter a food and can it be your favorite? Emily should really be asking, what the heck is up with her diet and how is it possible for one 23-year-old girl to consume an entire tub of PB alone?


Dad-ish Advice from the Dick

Now that Jason lives a 24-hour life with the Bumbles, he is now being forced to make some fatherly-adjacent decisions with his girlfriend’s son. Yesterday we discussed a water hose issue that raised the question of: is Bumblito a liar? Jason talks about sitting down with the young man to dish out some totally-not-a-dad-but-sort-of-have-a-role advice to the 13-year-old.


The Adult Cartoon Battle

It is no secret that the adult babies that run this show love their cartoons. Jason has chosen to branch out from his usual naughty adult cartoon catalog to explore the wonderful world of South Park for the first time. The crew debates what is the best adult cartoon and why it is not Rick and Morty.


Pushing Jason’s Buttons

Normally it’s Jason who’s the master at pushing buttons, but now, thanks to the internet, you can push his.  OK, so it’s not exactly like the touch screen Jason uses, but it’s still all your favorite drops from the show available whenever you want!

Push Jason’s Buttons Here


You Don’t Need A Radio To Listen To Jason Dick And Friends

Don’t forget, you can listen to us on your smart home assistant box thing (just tell Alexa and Google to play Jason Dick And Friends). You can also stream us online or on your phone, OR just subscribe to our podcast.


This Is Not Good Video

Watch more of our This Is Not Good Video videos here.


Daily Morale Boosters

On the topic of peanut butter, Emily wanted to share this compilation of the Peanut Butter Baby meme for all of you to enjoy, calorie-free!


Yesterday was a new episode of Jason’s favorite documentary, Hard Knocks. Zeke Elliott talked about baby powder farts which was the only football related thing that could catch Emily’s interest.


On this next episode of Black Mirror… just kidding, but isn’t this kind of creepy? Looks like these robots can do a better backflip than Nick.


And finally, one for all of you Star Wars freaks. There, you get an anime. Happy now?

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