Emily Is Too Tall For Concerts

Emily and her friend at The Factory in Dallas seeing a concert

This past weekend Emily went to a concert in Dallas and found someone who has officially become the worst type of concert-goer. A woman behind her insisted that she should be in front because Emily was “too tall.” Guess what? She is only 5ft 7in (and a half!) The audacity of people these days. If you want a full list of more terrible people at concerts, check out our friend CJ Morgan’s detailed list here.



John Wick 4

For once, Nick had a very busy weekend! He watched two movies including the new John Wick release. The reviews seem to love this movie, but will Nick agree with their takes? How is he going to Nick this movie up?



Emily Loves Dating

Emily and her new boo have been going on some really fun dates lately. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the events remind her of dating in her teens. There’s something about those innocent hangouts that no one can deny are great to reminisce about. Did you have a favorite teenage date? Let us know on Twitter @101xMorningX!



Who Has The Best Ice?

There is a strange underground fanbase for ice. Specifically, ice from fast-food places. There is clearly one right answer for who has the best, and will this silly little internet survey get it correct?



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