Producer Katy Got Some Love!

Katy thumbs up

Unfortunately, Deb was out sick today. We are hoping for a speedy recovery and that she’ll be back tomorrow. In Deb’s absence,  Katy had the great honor of doing the “I Love You Call” today. We called Frank’s Sports Shop in The Bronx. As you may know, Katy joined a basketball rec league and was body-checked during a game and suffered a possible minor concussion a couple of weeks ago. She’s not wanting to get injured anymore because she’s already had to go to the hospital once. Katy asked if they had any helmets that are softer or lighter than normal helmets that she could wear in a basketball game. He told her that he didn’t have any lighter helmets but they did have mouth and nose guards that could help prevent a concussion. Katy thanked him and asked his name and that she thought he was the Frank that the shop is named after. It turns out he is not THE Frank and it’s a family run business and the OG Frank had passed away. Katy told him that she hopes the OG Frank rests in peace and I love you. Lo and behold, Matt from Frank’s Sport Shop in the Bronx said: “I Love You too!” It’s a good day y’all. 


Doug Mellard in Studio!

Our good friend Doug Mellard joined us in the studio today. We talked about airport etiquette and when you should arrive at the airport before your flight. Jason says an hour before is probably fine, but Producer Katy said absolutely not. She thinks you should be getting to the airport an hour before your flight starts boarding. Doug agreed, especially because he lives in LA and you never know how the LAX airport is gonna be. Doug also discussed how he has a fun bit when he flys to take out a harmonica and ask the person next to him, “do you mind?” Surprisingly no one so far has told him that they do mind and he cannot play his harmonica. Doug also told us that he likes to draw strangers next to him when they fall asleep. Even more surprisingly,  none of his subjects have gotten upset with him after he shows them when they wake up… yet. You can also see him this weekend at the Velveta Room he has 3 shows between Friday and Saturday Night, check out tickets and details here!



It’s that time of the week where we throw it back to some of the best parts of this business. Getting to meet celebrities! Jason gets a bit jealous because he has to interact with people more famous than he is. They range from famous actors to musicians and comedians. Look back and reminisce with us on the good times and the cool celebrities we’ve crossed paths with!

#TBTwJnD Jason and Deb with Celebs



Oprah opened up during a game of “never have I ever” and revealed she has had a one night stand.

Brian Head of Korn is opening a chain of wellness spas. 

The CDC warns people about facial hair as the coronavirus spreads.



Tim Tebow is going to play for the Phillippines in the World Qualifiers of baseball.

Here is the UT football team putting in hard work even during the offseason.

An NFL prospect gained weight by eating the worst combination of food. 

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