Jason’s Weekend Glory Hole

Golf Ball about to go into the holl

Over the weekend something very excited during Jason’s round of golf. When they were on the way to hole #14 there was a kid asking for donations. There was a catch to the donation because it doubled as a bet. If you made it on the green you would get your $20 back, if you made it within a club’s length of the hole you’d win $100 and if you got a hole in one you would win $10,000. The kid even had a card reader, but it turned out it wasn’t even working. Thankfully Chace had $80 in cash so that Jason and his friends were able to play. The first 3 didn’t even come close to the green so they were out of luck. Finally, it was Kenny’s turn and a one in a million thing happened. He got a hole in one! So many tiny things happened in order for this to even occur, the kid asking for donations, the card reader not working, Chace having cash, etc, the stars had aligned! Jason’s never seen a hole in one so it was a pretty tremendous occasion. Jason is, of course, upset it wasn’t him who scored the hole in one but happy for his friend Kenny, but also mostly jealous.    

Kenny laying by his hole in one


Deb’s Diary 

Dear Diary, Deb is a pickle lady now. Over the weekend she bought a single-serve package of cooked and pickled beets. San Antonio guy asked how much the package was and it was $5! For $5 she could have bought several beets and done this herself! This inspired her so she did just that, went out and bought her own beets and pickling supplies. Deb is about to be like those people from the first Portlandia episode, pickling everything! If you have any ideas for Deb on things she can pickle, shoot her an email Deb@krox.com


Deb’s Big Break

If you couldn’t sense it, Deb is a big Hollywood star now. Well, not quite but she was an extra in a short film! Check it out, but please, no autographs from Ms. O’Keefe.       



Red Lobster has changed its unlimited policy for cheddar bay biscuits. 

An 8-year old girl had her birthday party at Target. 

Here is a list of movie soundtracks that were better than the movie itself. 



JJ Watt and Kealia Ohai got married this weekend in the Bahamas.

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