The Little Mermaid Isn’t Terrible

Young Emily in a costume of Ariel from The Little Mermaid.

As you can tell by the photo, Emily has always been a fan. In our 3rd or 4th Little Mermaid segment of the last 2 weeks, Emily has now ACTUALLY seen the movie! Her hot take is that it is resoundingly, unquestionably, without contest, OK, and that everyone’s review bombing and/or complaining about Halle Bailey is a giant baby.


Burning Question: Are Road Trips “Rad?”
Road trips. Do people actually like them? Does anyone actually think they’re “rad?” Is Nick perhaps projecting something? Find out on today’s burning question, and vote on the poll!


Let’s start the conversation early! Vote on tomorrow’s Morning X Burning Question and tune in tomorrow for the results:


“Am I Gay” Searches Skyrocketed 1,300%
Now that it’s Pride Month, Nick and Emily discuss a KXAN article indicating skyrocketing Google searches for “am I gay/lesbian/trans,” as well as where these searches are most common, and why they’re being searched so heavily.


Weed will be Un-Legalized?!
Governor Abbott will soon be reviewing a new set of bills, one of which will make it legal for anyone to file a lawsuit against district prosecutors for not enforcing certain crimes, specifically targeting Austin’s lax regulation of marijuana. AKA if a Karen complains, you might get in trouble for your stash.


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Don’t forget, you can listen to us on your smart home assistant box thing (just tell Alexa and Google to play the Morning X). You can also stream us online or on your phone, OR just subscribe to our podcast.


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