The Flying Car Returns!

the DeLorean from back to the future with jason's face photoshopped onto Doc Brown's body


Today we dusted off one of our classic bits, The Flying Car Segment!  We used to do it on the reg until Jason ran out of things to yell at the scientists about, but thanks to a malfunctioning traffic light on the way to Jason’s tee time, it’s back!


Who’s The A-Hole Relatable Dog Content

Jason’s new puppy, Bogey, has been staying with his daddy this week, which means he gets to come to work at the radio station each morning too!  Since Bogey’s hasn’t mastered potty training, Jason has been extra vigilant about preventing any “accidents” in the studio.  Well we finally had one yesterday, but Jason insists it’s all Nick’s fault.  Of course he does.  But unlike Bogey, does the prosecution’s case hold water?


Emily Is A Bad Neighbor

Recently Emily got new neighbors, and since she’s a normal human being, unlike Jason and Nick, she’s had several conversation with them already.  They’re nice!  But, Emily keeps forgetting their names, and she’s been faking it for so long now there’s no way she can ask them directly.  Which is why we turned to you guys to help crowdsource a solution.


Pushing Jason’s Buttons

Normally it’s Jason who’s the master at pushing buttons, but now, thanks to the internet, you can push his.  OK, so it’s not exactly like the touch screen Jason uses, but it’s still all your favorite drops from the show available whenever you want!

Push Jason’s Buttons Here


You Don’t Need A Radio To Listen To Jason Dick And Friends

Don’t forget, you can listen to us on your smart home assistant box thing (just tell Alexa and Google to play Jason Dick And Friends). You can also stream us online or on your phone, OR just subscribe to our podcast.


This Is Not Good Video

Watch more of our This Is Not Good Video videos here.


Daily Morale Boosters

Billie Eilish has a new video out.


We do TikTok things now.


Thanks for the bright idea, Lizzo. Not sure if we can ever eat watermelon again… #mustard #watermelon #lizzo #pleasestop #sauce

♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys – Kevin MacLeod & Kevin The Monkey


It’s about time they finally faced justice.


And finally, if you’ve ever wondered where we got the Nick Interruption drop from, it’s this.

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