Emily’s First UT Football Game

Emily eating a pretzel at the UT game

It’s official, Emily is now a true Longhorn! Thanks to our friend CJ Morgan in the afternoons, Emily was able to loudly and proudly say “Hook ’em, I guess!” at an actual game. There will be plenty of content from this experience sprinkled throughout the week on the show, but here are today’s highlights!

She began her proud alumni journey by attending our 101X tailgate on 18th and Colorado (you MUST join us next time!) for a few brews to start off the evening. That then progressed to an endless amount of socializing, water gun shooting, cornholing, drinking, and taking videos with strangers asking them for their first game advice. Don’t worry, we will share those soon.

After she had just the right amount of a pre-stadium buzz, CJ, Nick, and Emily stumbled their way to DKR. There, she was able to experience the beauty of the field firsthand and sat around some obnoxious fans while chowing down on an overpriced pretzel with nacho cheese. While singing the Eyes of Texas, Emily finally understood what being a Longhorn is all about. She is now even considering finally taking her diploma out of the closet and framing it. Hook ’em! No “I guess”!


Emily’s First UT Football Game





It wouldn’t be a football game without a potential sports fan fight. Luckily, Nick only used his words on this


Pushing Jason’s Buttons

Normally it’s Jason who’s the master at pushing buttons, but now, thanks to the internet, you can push his.  OK, so it’s not exactly like the touch screen Jason uses, but it’s still all your favorite drops from the show available whenever you want!
Push Jason’s Buttons Here


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