Jason’s Big Announcement

Jason's roommate got a dog named Waffles

Say hello to half Corgi, half Chihuahua, Waffles! Jason’s roommate Gil asked him how he would feel about adding a new puppy to the household and the Dickman approved. As we all know, Jason’s dog Silent J’s previous roommate was a bit rowdy and he didn’t really appreciate that, so a more subdued dog was Jason’s only requirement. Since Waffles’s arrival on Saturday, he has already partaken in Jason’s Virginia Beach show and it looks like Waffles and Silent J are getting along great.

See more photos of Waffles the pup.



Deb’s dog Blue has been an only child for almost two years now, so she is thinking about getting him a pet cat to keep him company. She was originally thinking about getting him a wiener dog, but Blue is a little jealous and needs all of the dog attention, so she decided on a cat. A badass cat. It would be okay if Blues new pet cat was a little feisty, that way it could be safe from danger or raccoons. She would also like for the future kitty to like to climb trees and chase squirrels, or it could be a tiny newborn, so if she rescues it from a tree it can grow up with boy Blue. And to top Deb’s list of requirements, the possible new addition must be a dog cat. We hope Blue gets along with his cool future pet cat!



Before leaving work yesterday, Jason warned Deb that he might run out of gas so she could be ready to come to the rescue if he needed a lift… or push. The gas light was on before he came into work, but he was running behind so he figured he would just fill up when he got off. There is a gas station just one exit away from the station, but to clarify Jason’s gas was on scary low. As Jason pulled out of the radio station, made a slight right and attempted to accelerate, his car made a questionable noise and stopped. Luckily for Jason, the route to the gas station was downhill so he had just enough speed to possibly make it. As he was approaching the light in front of the gas station, he thought he could make it but it turned yellow. Jason knew if he stopped at red he would be stuck, and it’s Jason Dick, so he proceeded to coast through the red light with a cop stopped right next to him. This was definitely a move only the Dickman would make, but once again, he bested a cop.



Today we called Austin Animal Care and Control in Boston, Massachusetts to see if they had any pets available on site for adoption. Unfortunately, Austin Animal Care and Control had to recommend another adoption center for Deb, so they had no pets nor love for Deb today.



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