LEGO Hozier

hozier builds a lego minifgure on the cj morgan show at acl fest, 101x austin

We finally went viral and its the coolest way possible! A few years ago at ACL Fest, we had the chance to interview Hozier. Before the interview, we asked him (and all artists) to build a LEGO minifigure of themselves. Hozier loved the idea – so much so that we had to hustle him along because his managers were getting annoyed at how long it was taking. Sorry, its not our fault he’s such a LEGO fan! Though our actual video did not get a lot of views (typical), his fans took clips of it and shared everywhere – even tracking down the actual pieces.


We sat down with some of #aclfestival ‘s best artists to… chat and build LEGOs of course! Watch until the end for a special surprise LEGO guest 👀 Catch the full interviews on #aclfest #aclfestival2023 #hozier #noahkahan #d4vd #declanmckenna #miyafolick #therevivalists #michigander #bobmoses #benkweller #kathrynlegendre #mtjoy #emlyn #diespitz #lego #mclovin

♬ Jazz Hip Hop in the early 90’s(219692) – TOKYO Lonesome Blue

We made Hozier’s TikTok!


Weekend 1 at @ACL Music Festival! Massive thank you to everyone who came to check out the set – I’ve always had such a great time here, was so glad to be back. See you in a week 🖤

♬ Eat Your Young – Hozier







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